Thursday, April 9, 2009

Someting strange with blogger

I just started another blog to keep track of my research and got a strange error message from blogger - apparently they think there is somethong suspicious about my blog! Thats what happens when technology (and the geeks who run it) are out of control.

I hope you find somethoing usefull, leave me a comment too


Monday, April 6, 2009

Relief For Stiff Aching Joints

Discomfort that occurs in any joint of the body is what is called joint pain. A joint is where 2 or more bones meet together. It can be mild or severe. Mild cases involve soreness in using the joint and severe joint pain is normally so painful that using the joint is impossible.

Some of the main joints that get affected by pain are ankles, back, elbows, feet, and hands. Others than are affected as well are hips, jaw, knee, neck, shoulders and wrists. These are the most common but every joint in the body is capable of experiencing pain.